Full name : Wahyu Setyaning Budi
Nick name/celeb name : Yuni Shara
Sex : Female
Religion : Islam
Place of birth : Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Date of birth : June 03, 1972
Yuni Shara has a real name Wahyu Setyaning Budi, was born in Malang, East Java, June 3, 1972. Currently, together with Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, Rika Roeslan and Andien , Yuni formed vocal group by the name 5 Wanita.
Pop singer who later brought a lot of songs Tempoe Doloe and chanting mandarin songs, is the sister of pop diva Krisdayanti and the wife of businessman Henry Siahaan.
Her marriage to former actress and singer husband Nur Afni Oktavia that, gifted Cello Obient Siahaan, and previously also been raised children, Cavin Obrient Salomon.
Yuni herself had previously been married to Raymond Manthey, the man who had also become an actress girlfriend Ussy Sulistiawaty. But their marriage age only for the rest corn.
Plow Yuni households with Henry Siahaan built during 11 years can not be maintained anymore. On June 17, 2008, through the South Jakarta District Court, Yuni officially divorced from Henry.
In a musical career, Yuni has released several albums. Kucari Jalan Terbaik is the newest album in 2009. Year 2010 Yuni seen more often exist to perform at several music events and television. In addition to solo career, together with 4 other female singers, Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, and Rika Roeslan, Yuni formed vocal group of women, 5 Wanita.
Holds the status of a widow for a second time is not easy for Yuni. Siri marriage had preached with one member of the legislature, this time supposedly Yuni relationship with a young player sinetron, Raffi Ahmad. Yuni herself did not reject closeness of their relationship.
Different couples this age do not even more awkward to perform intimate in public. Yuni is often seen to accompany when Raffi appear as a presenter on several television shows. Neither when Yuni singing, Raffi was reluctant to accompany. The couple starred together even a beauty product.
Proximity to her sister, Krisdayanti unquestionable. When tripped the second issue of this younger sister was always supportive of one another. Proved Yuni when her divorce case with Henry, KD always comforted her.
Beginning April 2010 Yuni closeness with her sister made her trip over the problem. Yuni is rumored to be at law because of her comments in the media addressing the relationship between KD and Raul Lemos. Raul's wife, Shechah Salem Sagran aka Atha not accept because Yuni said that Raul had been widowed. But mid-April, which Yuni was accompanied by Raul held a press conference and explain her position in the conflict-Raul-Atha-KD.
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