"Here, very nervous, not like shooting. Very different essence, when we used to shoot. No special preparation as well, enjoy and fun," Diah said after the fall of the stage.
"Moreover, it was the follow-up also celebrity friends all, so I'll see friends arena . But it’s very different with acting hell we used to do, way down the catwalk hand makes us cold," added Marini.
Although nervous, Marini, and Diah nevertheless not be cured. They are even addicted to doing it again. And if later there is a bid to be a model mannequin again, they admit that they are ready to accept it.
"Jobs like this easier. Two hours already completed. Sometimes it can meet with other friends at events like this," said Diah. "Sometimes we are also told to wear Muslim dress, bridal dress. So not too hard," said Marini.
Then, is there a feeling among them inferior when it comes to stylish on the catwalk in the show titled Fashion Show Kartini's Month this? Asked directly Diah so hastily replied, "Minder does not. We're still confident despite her not from the basic model.
"Audiences also know and understand why if we were not as good as the real model. The designer also did not demand that we become like the mannequin model," concluded Marini.
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