Full name : Syahrini
Nick name / celeb name : Syahrini / Rini
Sex : Female
Place of birth : Bogor, Indonesia
Date of birth : 1 August 1982
Syahrini (born in Bogor, West Java, 1 August 1982; age 26 years) was a singer from Indonesia. First album of the law degree from the University of Pakuan Bogor this is My Lovely that was released in 2008. Before the first album release, the second child of three brothers ever sing this compilation album for the film Coklat Strowberi with title song "Tatapan Cinta"
Syahrini known as the newcomer vocalist. The first album was released in 2008 with the feature MY LOVELY. Dara, who was born in Bogor, has single hits Bohong of the songs on the album MY LOVELY.
Before the release the album MY LOVELY, Rini, so call the law degree from the University of Bogor Pakuan this, have joined in the album compilation movie COKLAT STROWBERI with the title track Tatapan Cinta.
Successful inaugural debut first album, in May 2009 Syahrini release her second albums. However, single jagoannya, Pusing Setengah Mati will first released in May 2009. Different from the previous album, Pusing Setengah Mati is the creation Syahrini own.
Although new in the world of entertainment, but Syahrini brave enough menjajal other sectors, in addition to pull the vote during this digelutinya. In 2009, she menjajal film through capability her acting in the film THE MALING KUBURANS.

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