Frame Ritz Production House which is famous with its line of FTV is already popular and in siarkan in one of the television station every day this is garapan's mother who was a former young artist TVRI and often decorate glass screen television indonesia, Who is she?
Yes, correct name "Rita Amilia" In an era of 80-face often decorate glass screen because Rita is a former first artist TVRI be reasonable only for the people living in an era of 80-not foreign anymore with this name. Success is not received from Rita berakting play or film but with many production houses that are given the name " Frame Ritz ", an impression had also started production and many popular cookies to start from FTV.
"How Stories Frame Ritz travel careers in the entertainment world stage of the country?"
At the End of 2004, Rita Amilia began to introduce Company Production House garapannya the given name "Frame Ritz," Alhamdulillah I meet Mas Sentot Said (director as well as a lecturer at IKJ, Red) of the field from the upstream to downstream. He hold the creative part, I hold the business. She said "at the beginning of his career Frame Ritz only bermodalkan 1 camera and 1 editing machine hit mengefisiensikan all operations with capital that is collected as much as 1 billion.
With capital itupun both Rita and Sentot Said does not get the salary of a continental garap their business, they employ only a few officials dare to keep their course, until the end of 2007 and Rita Sentot Sahid get their first salary from the business that they tekuni that, for Rita most importantly Frame Ritz walk first ...
"Then Who Will Forwarding Business Frame Ritz this soon?"
In the beginning - the beginning of production, the production of two frame ritz is not for sale even though such behavior Rita and Sentot Sahid not despair, they try to be realistic and take taste of the market. We agreed to make something light and pop, but the quality of production must remain awake, "said Rita.
Luckily for Frame Ritz after SCTV trusted to produce Film Television (FTV). Until now are still running. Alhamdulillah have about an 200-title, "the story of Rita.
"Everything starts from FTV Juragan Jengkol and Tikus & Kucing Mencari Cinta. Because the success of the SCTV we're making serialnya. Be impressions mini-series models Cookies and Popcorn adolescents who appear every day. It said, it has become a new trend., "Said Rita.
Rita goal at this time is not grandiose. "I just want to still be in Frame Ritz zipper," said Rita who now have 40 permanent employees and 12 production team. Start to prepare for Rita was the second daughter is Nagita Slavina and Marsya Tengker forwarding business for production house " Frame Ritz " to be able to continue in the future.
About atribute to Ritz Frame Production House
I really do not like watching sinetron, and (sorry) I wonder who is addicted watching almost every sinetron. A friend of my kos S1 university graduates leading to the pride says, "I go to all the songs sinetron good!" 'Wah, pantes rating sinetron aja claimed to be still high. A well-educated aja not necessarily be the media, 'I thought. But the songs (soundtrack) sinetronnya same story I have nyambung-nyambungnya also.
In addition to opium, and so time, for me to watch sinetron make me run so long with violence and not rational utterance such as "I will destroy their home!" Or the words "I love you the same" when the leaders know the new one each other the previous day.
You either pay attention or not, but apparently not all sinetron se "picisan it. During holidays and really lazy out of the house in the blazing afternoon, I would not want to watch television (ha3. .. laziness on justification).When I began to find that some sinetron that at least have the mission and the story flows and does not clearly excessive. And sinetron-sinetron that was produced by a production house (PH) named Frame Ritz.
In addition to film television, PH also produce serial Cookies in SCTV, the type of sinetron continued but in a limited number of episodes. Indeed they sinetron production in general, themed on the life of teenagers and, of course, not be separated from speech or action that can potentially be a bad example as disagreeable to pramuwisma (domestic workers), and berantem defame, to the court style ala ABG.
But that makes me enter sinteron-production sinetron Frame Ritz (FR) is the category of "safe" and "recommended" is because after watching sinetron-sinetron, the audience - even children - can certainly conclude a lesson. Lessons about things so close to the teenagers.
Sample topics and stories flow sinetron production Ritz Frame:
A teenage girl who has a poor self-concept because it does not feel beautiful with the brown skin and frizzy hair. At the beginning of the story he was half dead dikisahkan want to change the color of skin and hair with the purchase of various cosmetics. Until finally he tired because of all their own way does not change the physical work. At the end of the story the girl is found (as usual .. yah.) her true love, love that guy because the guy is fun and berkepribadian said that the girl is beautiful ... no matter what people say.. Finally, she believes that beauty does not depend on the physical aja.
Another story; about a single child who is very spoiled, very rich, can ga (ga mau) ngerjain all sesuatunya own & love the nyuruh-nyuruh pramuwismanya. Her parents worried that he had self-ga "send" the child to a village where pramuwismanya come. There she learned that in other parts of the world, people need water or nimba-kilometer road berkilo for a can of water & bath (not just open the tap), I have television, and eat potluck. The children appreciate all the more so that he can ease in the city and learn all the sesuatunya own.
See? Easily digested & headless. There are many more others, but I do not remember the details. The same sinetron but surely build a different perception about many things in life. Pemerannya is not star-setenar Naysilla Mirdad, but certainly not less good aktingnya from sinetron stars MD Enterainment or SinemArt. Evidently one of the PLAYERS, Poppy Sovia that portray Shanaz in Mengejar Mas-Mas nominator the main woman in the FFI 2007 and Most Favorite Actress in MTV Indonesia Movie Awards (MIMA) 2007.

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