Real name : Raden Terry Tantri Wulansari
Nick name/celeb name : Mulan Jameela
Call name : Mulan
Sex : Female
Religion : Islam
Place of birth : Garut, West Java, Indonesia
Date of birth : August 23, 1982
Mother's name : Titi Aisyah
Father's name : R. HE Komar
Children : Tyarani Savitri, Muhammad Rafly Aziz.
Wulansari appear together at the beginning of the Ratu, known as Mulan Kwok or Mulan Ratu. After out of Ratu, Mulan joined the Republik Cinta Management Artist (RCMA), which cheer leader Ahmad Dhani, Maia Estianty husband. Mulan Kwok any changes to Mulan Jameela.
The first album released early in 2008 with a pledge song "Makhluk Tuhan Paling Sexy". Mulan name is shining when joined with the Ratu in April 2005, before Mulan often singing in a cafe (Bandung and Jakarta). Mulan replace the position of Pinkan Mambo that out of the Ratu at the end of 2004.
Mulan unique voice and seemed sexy to make her quickly accepted by Ratu fans. Unfortunately after 2 albums in collaboration with the Ratu group, Maia Estianty, Mulan states out in the early 2007. Maia - Mulan conflict triggered by Mulan honor that is not proportional and management changes that are less open.
Mulan is not even 20 years old, married to Harry Nugraha, in 1999. They met at a cafe on the Swarakustik band. Harry as bass players and Mulan as a vocalist. Unfortunately the wedding was bear two children, Tyarani Savitri and Muhammad Rafly Aziz aground in 2005.
The vocalist a song "Wonder Women" and "Jatuh Cinta Lagi" is due not only pull the career of the world vote. She also played sinetron and the film big screen. "Maaf Saya Menghamili Istri Anda" in 2007 is one of the film which playing by her.
In February 2009, the name of Mulan got back into hot topics. Together with Ahmad Dhani, she became the most keywords in the internet.
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