Biodata Cinta Laura, profil and biography :
Full name : Cinta Laura Kiehl
Nick name/Celeb name : Cinta Laura
Place of birth : Quakenbruck, Germany
Date of birth : August 17, 1993
Weight : 44 kg
Height : 170 cm
Hobby : Swimming
School : Bogor International School (BIS)
Mother's name : Herdiana, SH
Father's name : Michael Kiehl
Biography Cinta Laura and profil :
Cinta Laura is a girl of model and sinetron star's Indonesia. The birth of Quakenbruck, Germany, August 17, 1993. Celebrity who has a complete name Cinta Laura Kiehl this, started her career in entertainment world as a finalist Indonesian Top Model 2006.
One of the jury selection event is Sanjay Maulani, a casting director of MD Entertainment. Cinta is directly gets a job bid become a star's sinetron. Daughter pair from Michael Kiehl and Herdiana, SH ultimately accept this bid to be player star in the sinetron Cinderella (Apakah Cinta Hanyalah Mimpi?) by MD Entertainment Production.
Uniquely, the first four months, Cinta rather shooting but get the Indonesian language course, plus akting exercise. What's known, she is large in many countries where the task her father as General Manager of Grand Hyatt Hotel. Sinetron Cinderella that introduce her to people of Indonesia. Until finally, she gets the award "SCTV Awards Ngetop Actress category" in 2007. In that event she beat the competitors, among other Marshanda, Shireen Sungkar, and Nia Ramadhani. Cinta has a height 170 cm and weight 44 kg is also busy with activities to teach English to children less well.
Juli 2008, Cinta has problems in the court with MD Entertainment. This house production contest Cinta that is considered accusatory contract. After hearing a few times, the mid-December 2008 the court decided the guilty and she must bear the compensation material and non material Rp.1.716.406.000 of the agreement or conduct has not been implemented.
Although still at enmity with MD Entertainment, but she was to be a professional job. She still appears on the slick in her first film "Oh Baby" in a production by MD Pictures in 2008. In the first film Cinta required action and dancing at once. Cinta also sings two songs in this film soundtrack, "Oh Baby" and "We Can Do It".
Cinta began to pull away the vote. After ability to learn vocal and it was showing with Ahmad Dhani. Finally, she entered the kitchen recordings. Duo Maia together, Cinta carries the song "Pengkhianat Cinta".
Hot Photos Cinta Laura and Cinta Laura Sexy Picture

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