Biodata Choky Sitohang, profil and biography sexy macho man music presenter hot artist of Indonesia :
Full name : Binsar Choky Victory Sitohang
Nick name/celeb name : Choky Sitohang
Sex : Male
Place of birth : Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Date of birth : July 10, 1982
Choky Sitohang widely known as a sports presenter and music. Men born in Bandung, July 10, 1982 was beginning his career as a newsreader as well as reporter / journalist on a private television station in 2002.
Choky which is more like being a presenter than a journalist, often follow the casting as a presenter. Mid-2005, Choky could eventually become a presenter CEPETAN DONG reality show program. Unfortunately, only seven episodes, Choky was suffering from hepatitis A and had to take medical treatment. He also breaks for six months.
After recovering, Choky starts again from zero for a career as a presenter to host the MY WORLD in JakTV program. Choky's name began to climb after bringing on GOOD MORNING ON THE WEEKEND program with Ferdy Hasan. EURO 2008 event was the one who contributed to throw his name. Although previously Choky has been a presenter LA Football (SPAIN), FA Cup and the Italian league.
In addition to sport events, Choky also hosted other events, like DAHSYAT (RCTI), STARDUT 2 (Indosiar), HITS MUSIC (RCTI), SING A SONG, as well as several award shows such as the Indonesian Movie Award in 2008 and Puteri Indonesia 2008.
In addition to the presenter, Choky penetrated into the acting world. In 2007, he starred in a movie SANG DEWI.
In love relationships, Choky love relationship with Melissa Ariani. He intends to make as his wife Melissa in 2010, according to the ideals of her childhood, to marry at the age of 28 years.
The presenter of TAKE ME OUT INDONESIA and HAPPY SONG was back again on the big screen. He played in the film SUKA SAMA SUKA (2009).
Success in the field of presenter, Choky under its wings for testing the field of business. And the choice fell on the field of food. He opened a health bakery that gave the name of Hoshi Bread.
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