Gayus Tambunan case that more and more highlighted by the mass media is also affected to media facebook. Because the public disappointed on the performance of tax officials, so that led to the emergence of the movement in facebook to boycott paid for taxes. Markus Case taxes USD 25 billion, which dragged the name of Gayus Tambunan participate enliven the group.
This facebook group titled "1,000,000 Facebookers Movement Support for the boycott PAY TAX JUSTICE '. When detikcom visited, Thursday (25/3/2010), 3422 facebookers there are members.
Well, Gayus Tambunan case seems to be their new ammunition to refuse to pay taxes.
"Pay taxes just enjoyed for Gayus and his friends? NO WAY!" Hendry said its building.
Another facebookers, Benetta Heaster Gladwynne, also enliven this group by providing links to support groups 'Support Susno Duadji To Dismantle Markus On Police'.
Markus Case taxes USD 25 billion is indeed originated from Susno statement. Facebook movement supports Susno also grow like mushrooms in the rainy season.
Group facebookers million in tax boycott actually appear a bit longer, since January 5, 2010. But the case of Gayus Tambunan increasingly enliven this group.
With so crowded preached about the markus case which dragged the name of tax Gayus Tambunan, facebook Gayus account named Gayus Pete also much commented upon.
Last days, the account was full of sympathy and wonder of greeting friends Gayus.
"In his FB account a lot of friends who empathize and saddened by this incident (markus cases)," said friend Gayus, Ade Herdiansyah, when contacted detikcom, Friday (25/3/2010).
Ade is a high school friend of Gayus in SMAN 13 Jakarta Utara. He last visited the FB account 'Gayus Pete' two days ago (24 / 3).
"Many of my friends who asked Gayus through his wall but he never wrote back," he explained.
Gayus Pete account was closed on March 25, 2010. According to Ade, Gayus was last active on Facebook under date of March 20. "He is still to approve a friend, but after that no more activity," he concluded.
Final observation on Gayus Tambunan facebook account named Gayus Pete has been closed, and when visiting facebook address, the message appears instantly otomatic from facebook with "The page you Requested was not found."
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