Full name : Tamara Natalia Christina Mayawati Bleszynski
Nick name / celeb name : Tamara
Sex : Female
Place of birth : Jakarta, Indonesia
Date of birth : December 25, 1974
Religion : Islam
Star sinetron and model Tamara Bleszynski, born in Jakarta, December 25, 1974. Lux star bloody Poland - Sundanese is adorned entertainment media since parting with her ex-husband Tengku Rafly Pasha, a businessman from Aceh, and also custody of their son only puppets, Tengku Rasya Islamy Pasha.
Divorce Tamara - Rafly trial begins 7 September 2005, but official decisions of new divorce out on February 1, 2006. After officially a widow, a beautiful woman who had carried most favorite artist Panasonic Award 2005, should continue the feud with her former husband custody related Rasya.
Even Tamara cope Rafly and KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission) to court for her actions to separate her son from his father. Although Tamara eventually had to give up Rasya living with Rafly, after the Supreme Court to decide custody of falling into the hands of her x-husband.
Not after conflict custody Rasya, woman is complete named Tamara Natalia Christina Mayawati Bleszynski is back exposed was not delicious gossip about her relationship with a model international named Mike Lewis. Rumors are also mentioned she was pregnant only considered the wind and the woman who became a muallaf when she married with Rafly on December 1, 1997 ago.
The conflict divorce and child custody protracted make Tamara more fame faded, until finally the popular artists via sinetron Ramadhan , DOA MEMBAWA BERKAH decided to leave of the world artist for some time.
Tamara also briefly rumored to have a relationship with a man from Malaysia initials D. This rumor never comes when she starred in the film production of Malaysia, Cicakman 2, the end of 2007 ago.
Coinciding with the birthday of National Amateur Boxing Association (Pertina), Tamara appointed Boxing Indonesian Ambassador on November 12, 2008.
In spite of long separation from Teuku Rafli Pasya, Tamara reported back to the beginning of the conflict in June 2009. They were fighting over property that amounted to 17 billion. However, there has been no official statement from them.
Related to do with the handsome actor Mike Lewis, the beginning of November 2009, came the news if they had married secretly. However, when confirmed, the news was denied by the manager Tamara.
Long time did not appear to act, Tamara returned to acting. Unmitigated she dared to look sexy in the movie AIR TERJUN PENGANTIN. Even in the film director Rizal Mantovani, Tamara appear in her sexy bikini. However, for Tamara, who reportedly gets paid Rp1 M in the film production Maxima, she just happened to play a sexy character.
Foto-foto hot Tamara Bleszynski

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