Qory beat 38 other finalists from various provinces in Indonesia. Before finally crowned as Puteri Indonesia 2009 first Qory into the row 10 Puteri Indonesia finalists.
Finalists who also entered the row came from 10 major West Sumatra, South Sumatra, DKI Jakarta 4, DKI Jakarta 6, Banten, West Java, East Java, North Maluku and West Papua. Quietly but surely Qory try to answer questions that have been available.
In the first step Qory get questions about the meaning of happiness for herself, and with a smile that expands in her face Qory answer the meaning happy for herself. "The meaning of happiness for me is while we are grateful for what we have got from God the Almighty, without complaining about how much happier we get," said Qory.
She was able to respond smoothly and with a time 12 seconds from 30 seconds of time provided. After Qory answering questions given followed by nine other finalists who entered with 10 large different question.
Increasingly heated atmosphere that occurred after the 10 finalists are available to answer questions. Because the jury consisting of nine people must work hard to filter out of the 10 finalists to five finalists who will coned be three finalists.
Five finalists were Qory Sandioriva of Nanggoroe Aceh Darussalam, Zukhriatul Hafizah S.SI from West Sumatra, Natalie Hermanto, BA from DKI Jakarta 4, Audrie Adriana Sanova from Banten, and Ayu Isti Pratiwi of North Maluku. While the three big is Qory from Aceh, Ayu from North Maluku, and Fiza from West Sumatra.
All three were asked the same question of how they feel if elected and whether they would be disappointed if not chosen as Puteri Indonesia 2009.
After all three answer the same questions the audience cheered on the night give supporters to their choice. The atmosphere is tense and heated molten with the appearance of group band D'Massiv and singers Shanti. But the atmosphere was heated again with opened envelopes containing the decision of nine judges.
Elected the 2nd runner up is Isti Ayu Pratiwi or Ayu representing North Maluku province. Then Zukhriatul Hafizah, S. SI or Fiza representing West Sumatra province as the first runner-up finish. Thus, Qory crowned Puteri Indonesia 2009. Qory herself did not think she is elected and Qory weeping with joy.
Besides the election of Puteri Indonesia, last night also named as puteri of islands 2009, respectively, Islands Java obtained finalists from Banten Audrie Adriana Sanova (Audrie), Sumatra obtained finalists from Bangka Belitung Survia (Via), Bali and Nusa Tenggara obtained finalists from Bali Ni Putu Sukmadewi Eka Utami, Kalimantan obtained from the finalists East Kalimantan Grace Joselini Corlesa, Sulawesi obtained finalists from North Sulawesi Anastasia Margaret Runtunuwu, S. Ked, and also Eastern Indonesia earned a finalist Maluku Citra Fragrantia Theodorea Mailoa.
Besides puteri the islands also named puteri the talented fell on the puteri of West Java province Mayanita, friendship and favorite daughter fell into the hands of Virgin from West Papua, Puteri Intelligence 1 from East Java Nadia Zahara, S.IP.

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