The former singer Trio Kwek-Kwek this vulgar indeed appear in the indie film “Identitas” director Aria Kusumadewa the only Indie film director famous nyeleneh and critical.
This is an interview with Leony after the press screening films, on Tuesday (4 / 8) night, Leony satisfied and get that knowledge many from Aria Kusumadewa.
Congratulations on the film screen width. Purpose satisfied with Aria Kusumadewa like?
Wah, happy here in the sense I get many benefits and experiences of an Aria Kusumadewa. He taught me a lot about creating and editing a film.
It was therefore in this film are you naked by Aria Kusumadewa?
Hehehe. No such context. I was not there naked really. Time to receive first scenario there naked scene, and I refused. I spoke to Bang Aria. So the film is used in the special effect. I still wear clothes kok. Misguided, yes?
Means that the time-out bathing scene is still something more?
Yes. But looks like bugil ya ... After discussions with the Aria scene out of a bath, I give advice that Bang Aria uses special computer effects. I had a chance to study two semesters of it. The result, all people believe that I am bugil. While not original.
Court had also said pacaran to the Aria?
Oops, not. Where's the news? Bang Aria like brothers to me. No.Does not have that.
Gossip spelled like you take advantage of men. Seperti pada Eros Sheila On 7, As the Eros Sheila On 7, you take the science of music spelled. Now with Aria also gitu ?
Hmmm. That's all not true. I do not have a goal to get there. I do not care if many people saying like that. I really want to make the film. This is a positive thing and I get the knowledge. In this film than I taught about the film and edit, I also help Bang Aria editing film. I happened to use a computer, I help Bang Aria edit some scenes with a computer.
There are plans for the film itself akan after Identitas?
I don’t know. Still not sure. I still need more study. Pray alone, I got a good teacher.
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