Full name : Gusti Taura Danang Sudiro
Nick name/celeb name : Tora Sudiro
Sex : Male
Religion : Islam
Place of birth : Jakarta, Indonesia
Date of birth : May 10, 1973
Tora Sudiro has full name Taura Danang Sudiro, was born in Jakarta, May 10, 1973. Tora known as the big screen actor, commercials, and also stars comedian.
Tora who has many tattoos on his body, ever clucthed the Piala Citra winning Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) in 2004 as best actor Main Actors, through film ARISAN! Who starred in the film with Surya Saputra, Cut Mini, Aida Nurmala and Rachel Maryam, Tora act as gay men where he had scene to kiss a man opponent. In addition in 2005 and 2006, Tora also successfully won the Panasonic Cup Award as the most favorite actor.
In the course of his career, previous Tora is an employee insurance, sound engineer and advertising. Debut film by film TRAGEDY, Rudi Soedjarwo landing, but he began to be known publicly as starring ARISAN movie!
Through these films, Anggraini Kadiman husband and father of Azzahra Nabila this soared and began to receive many offers to play sinetron and films, among them, DUNIA D, JANJI JONI (2005), BANYU BIRU (2005), EKSPEDISI MADEWA (2006), D'BIJIS (2007), NAGA BONAR (JADI) 2 (2007) and sinetron DUNIA TANPA KOMA (2006), MALAM PERTAMA, BUNDA . Including regular appearances as a comedian in the Extravaganza and host a television program.
Marriage Tora with Anggraini Kadiman or usually called Anggi this began to hit tempest. Peak, Anggi sued Tora for divorce. On January 7, 2009, Tora and Anggi divorced, with custody of falling in the hands Anggi.
Tora is famous for comedy roles, has established his career on the big screen. Almost the entire film is nuanced comedy, like the QUICKIE EXPRESS (2007), OTOMATIS ROMANTIS (2008), NAMAKU DICK (2008), TRI MAS GETIR (2008), CINLOK (2008), WAKIL RAKYAT (2009), BENCI DISKO (2009), KRAZY CRAZY KREZY (2009) and PREMAN IN LOVE (2009). Perhaps only his role in LASKAR PELANGI (2008) which requires that he be serious.
Not just acting, Tora who reportedly was close to Mieke Amalia began reaching the presenter. Together with Vincent Club Eighties, he present a program MAKIN MALAM MAKIN MANTAP (4M) in one of the private television program.
Tora official release widower status on Saturday, December 19, 2009, with married Mieke. Marriage is impressed by the media covered this, first known from both Twitter account.

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